Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Idealism vs. Realism

"As gas prices pinch, support for energy exploration rises" - Pew Research Center

well...fancy that...the price for gas goes up and suddenly sucking out that oil under ANWR, increasing exploration, and increasing production isn't such quite so Evil(tm) idea afterall.

In one of the statistical summaries it is interesting to note the demographics of those that showed the greatest % of change.

  • Support among self identified Liberals showed a 23% increase vs. 15% moderate or 0% Conservatives
  • Support among 18-29 year olds showed a 25% increase vs. 12% of 30-49 year olds or 11% of 50-65 year olds (So aparently youthful idealism is cool and all...as long as it doesn't hit your pocket too hard.)
  • Support among women showed a 18% increase vs. 5% men.

So drawing from the stats in the Pew report the typical person making the biggest switch in opinion as a result of the increase in gas prices is a Liberal woman between the ages of 18-29 who considers herself a Democrat or Independent voter. Feel free to make your own jokes.

Yes I know I'm abusing the statistics a bit here, but it's ok because its all for a laugh and if that's good enough for John Stewart then it's good enough for me.

[Cross-post to Apathy Curve]

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