Saturday, January 12, 2008

One really angry Canadian

Ezra Levant, publisher of the Western Standard, was hauled before the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission in Calgary, Canada because of his publishing of the now famous Danish Muhammad cartoons.

He was not permitted to bring anyone other than his lawyer and his my wife along. The "human rights officer" barred others from attending as observers, including other officers of the magazine.

However, he and is lawyer insisted that they be permitted to record the interrogation, for use when he appeals the commission's decision. The officer allowed the video camera, but asked that the recording be kept confidential. Having previously served legal notice on the commission that he reserved the right to publish any communications to or from the commission whatsoever he uploaded bits of those sessions to the web. Three good sippets can be seen below.

Click below links for videos. Not too long, WELL worth to see the fellow give it to the rep. of the HRC with both barrels at point blank range. From her reaction, I don't think she was prepared for this guy.

Opening Statement

What is your intent?

Violence in Alberta

I don't answer to the state!

Obligatory Muhammad cartoon...just because it pisses of people it gives me pleasure to piss off.

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