Monday, August 06, 2007

Happy Hiroshima Day

Some historical revisionists over the past few decades has tried to change the record and context of why the bombs were dropped and what the "true" impacts were. However, the deeper historians delve into the records and recollections of the period the more it reinforces to original pre-Deconstructionist historical record. Truman made the decision to drop the bomb based on the intelligence, the evidence and the conviction that an invasion of the Japanese mainland would cause massive casualties. "Estimates derived from intelligence about Japan's military deployments projected hundreds of thousands of American casualties." "One of Japan's highest wartime officials, Kido Koichi, later testified that in his view the August surrender prevented 20 million Japanese casualties."

[Guardian Story HERE]

So on Hiroshima day we should remember to celebrate those who lived (including possibly hundreds of thousands if not millions of Japanese) as a result of that fateful and terrible decision. A decision that was forced upon our Republic by the Warlords of the Empire of Japan, that was personally born by a former haberdasher from Independence Missouri, that was executed by a medical student who became a pilot, and delivered from a plane named after the pilot's mother.

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