I've been tinkering a little with the BLOGGER template and setup a way for people to setup a subscription to the BLOG (meaning you can get an email notice whenever I post a new update) by clicking the link on the right. Seems to work ok, if not as "clean" as I would like, but hey these are the tools we have to work with, eh? Perhaps Blogger will get around to making that option
built in some day. Anyways my work around should do for now I think, and more it fit for a more broad range of topics, though explorations in SL will figure in at least weekly.
SL News: Time and patience paid off, we've managed expand our ownership in Perwinkle such that we know own 76% of the sim. This has allowed us to begin planning for more extensive builds, following one or two similar styles or themes.

I've put up a platform for the mad angel of Periwinkle to hold a Yard Sale to reduce her overflowing inventory (currently topping 17,000 objects!!) and make a little coin in the process instead of just deleting stuff.
I also began work on a new house. The current house (House v1.0) was my first real building project in SL and I learned a good deal about building and texturing in SL while putting it together...and have learned a good deal more since then while building the shop and other experimental structures.
As such I've decided to try and take what I've learned and turn it towards the creation of House v2.0, which has been inspired by some of the works of Frank Lloyd Wright and is currently floating some 100 meters above House v1.0.
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