For now, I'll do some SL. While some of the interior build of the house is still in the works, the exterior of the house is complete. The first thing I started building in SL, and thus I kept the design rather simple.

House in Periwinkle

My airboat on the right make for an interesting way to explore the builds and environs along the waterways of Second long as some asshat hasn't raised up the land and blocked off the waterway to put YET ANOTHER casino on it. All-in-all good effects on the airboat, though driving the thing can be a challenge at times especially on crossing from one Sim to the next.
Cool. But never mind the airboat; Who's the red-head with the enormous, um... eyes?
Heh. The enormous "eyes" belong to My girl michelle's avatar in SL, going by the name of angel.
i do so enjoy observant people, jarhead! Wonder if anyone noted the color of those eyes or just their size? *grins* And to think the picture wasn't even touched up. ;) Watching with interest....
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